Thursday, January 3, 2013

What Is Most Important

When Craig heard I started a new blog, and found out what it was about, he said with a twinkle in his eye: You will be honest and say what *really* makes you happy, right? He was joking, but I am not, when I say that what is most important for a happy life is keeping the right people around you.

You don't really have a choice with regards to the family you are born into, but everyone else you associate with you choose. This means everyone from friends, to a spouse, and coworkers to a certain extent).

The most important person you choose is your spouse. This is the person with whom you will spend more time aside from your siblings. This is why choosing a spouse is so crucial. S/he will either contribute to your happiness, or make your life miserable. It is important to choose well. I am blessed with a husband who is everything I need and so much more. I don't know how this happened, but am not complaining :)

Although people can contribute to your happiness, or make your life unhappy, it is important to remember that no one, other than you yourself, can *make* you happy. It can be a difficult lesson, but one that is crucial to a happy life. You are he one who has to make the choice to be happy, because that is what it is - a choice.

The past (almost) 33 years have been amazing to a great extent because of the people around me. They truly are a blessing in my life. I honestly don't know where I would be today if I didn't have my family and friends, especially Craig. Thank you all for being there for me. I love you more than I can ever tell you.


"Prayer is intended to engender communion with Deity. Communion certainly entails more than a monologue. It should in fact be a dialog, a true conversation with speaking, listening, digesting, learning." - Robert L. Millet "Talking With God"


The picture is the latest one we have of our beautiful family. It is missing our oldest daughter and her son, and since it was taken we were blessed with another cute little granddaughter. The joys of grandparenthood will definitely be another post!



  1. Marrying the right person is the best choice you could ever make in life. Marrying Jonathan was the most rightful and wonderful thing I have ever done in my life. Life will always has its ups and downs but I know he will always be there no matter what. I love my family and love that you are part of it. <3

    1. I feel so blessed knowing our children married the perfect people for them. Thank you for being such a wonderful example to me and everyone around you. It is refreshing to meet young men and women who don't just complain when life is not perfect, but deal with their problems with a happy face and a giving heart. You are such a person Mink, and I'm grateful to have you for my daughter ♥
