Sunday, January 6, 2013


I like every day, in fact I like most things. Some of my favorites are reading novels, listen to all kinds of music, exercise, cook, have lunch with friends. There are many interesting and fun things to do :) Things that teach you something new or that you do just because it is enjoyable. Life is fun that way. 

However, Sunday is my favorite day because, for me, Sunday is a day when I can more easily feel closeness to my Heavenly Father. Sunday is designated a day of rest. As a Latter-day Saint Sunday rest means something very different than what it does to most people. Many of us keep very busy on Sunday - we all have something to do, some more than others. It can be an exhausting day, but that does not mean that it is not an enjoyable day. 

My Sundays are very fun at the moment :) I get to teach children between 18 months and 11 years old songs. It is tiring to say the least, but it is SO rewarding to be with the children and figuring out ways to teach the songs in interesting ways so that they will remember them. It takes a lot of time creating teaching aids, and thinking what would be good for them, but when they sing the songs well, and have fun doing it, it brings joy that is difficult to find anywhere else. And children have so much to teach us older people. 

Today could have been better . . . Feeling a migraine start while jumping around singing and pretending to be feeling great is not ideal. But I made it through the day, and the interesting thing is that after church I felt the migraine go away. That never happens until I sleep for a while. The blessings you receive when you do what you know you should do are amazing!

Church only takes up three hours of the day, so there is a lot of time left to do other things, like reading in the scriptures, listening to classical or religious music, spending time with family and friends, walking and looking seeing Heavenly Father's creations . . . Sundays are marvelous!!! It is the day when I recharge and focus on what is most important for me - Heavenly Father and family and friends.

This is a picture of the Thongmee family who we met at church in Thailand. They have become very good friends of ours. We miss them very much and think of them often. Good thing we have Facebook!


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