Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Day of Honesty

Being honest is a major contributor to happiness. This is why I feel I need to make some disclaimers before I write another post.

Since we moved back to California from Thailand in April my lifestyle has not been great. It is easy to live a healthy lifestyle when everything is less expensive, when you are able to hire a personal trainer and a maid. Having a maid gives you a lot more free time to focus on things other than daily mundane things. The personal trainer gives you the motivation to work out, and pushes you to limits you did not know you had. I will be forever grateful for the five years I had living in Thailand, for my wonderful, beautiful friends, and for all the "extras" we were able to afford while there.

Here we are with some of our younger friends in Thailand 😀

In California it is so much more expensive, and when you need to spend time doing housework much of your day is used up already. You do not have as much time working out and focusing on your health.

Since the end of April Craig and I have taken four long road trips. That is not a great thing for your health . . . Lots of eating out, lots of sugar to keep you awake during the drive, and family and friends who like to share their favorite treats. Not to mention the difficulty of working out when you are on the road. We have seen wonderful family and friends and some spectacular things though!

Our youngest son and his wife's wedding 💖

The wedding of our "adopted" children Rebecca and Thee 💖

The Jansan's, a beautiful family we know who was sealed together for eternity 💖

Hiking with Craig's sister Stephanie 💖

Old Faithful

Because of this my clothes don't fit like they should and I am not as energetic as I feel I should be. Also, my emotional state could be better than it is. Those are all things I need to work on, and so I will eat better and work out harder than I normally would to try to accomplish this. Because of my cold I will not start "for real" until next week.


Today's quote:
" . . . salvation is an individual matter; exaltation is a family matter. We cannot be perfect, or fully happy, for that matter, without being joined with our family members in the exalted state, a welding link having been established between the parents and the children (Hebrews 11:40; D&C 128:15, 18)." - Russell M. Nelson


That was today's confession. I might have others later 😊

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