Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Interesting Day . . .

Today was one of those days . . . Last night we realized we had a water leak somewhere. A major leak . . . There was a lot of water behind our house, and we had no idea where it came from. All we knew was that there was virtually no pressure in the faucets in the house. No worries, we had someone we could call. Someone who knows about plumbing :)

Justin, a plumber and an overall good guy, came this morning at 7:30. We were convinced our little convenience would be fixed within a few hours. No such luck :( Craig and Justin spent all day trying to find where the leak was. They got a pump and pumped all the water out from underneath the house. They rented a jackhammer and cut a hole in our cement pad in our backyard. They worked all day trying to fix the leak. All to no avail.

Having no water meant we could not wash our clothes or do dishes. My goal for today, texturing the bathroom walls, was out of the question. We were not able to take showers . . . (Thank you to all who offered to open your bathrooms for us :) You are very sweet!) Cooking is possible, but without water you cannot wash the dishes. Because we thought the leak would be fixed by lunch I made breakfast, (scrambled eggs with leeks, bell peppers, mushrooms, and leftover pork chops. It was delicious!) and so we still have all the dishes sitting in the sink.

Not wanting more dishes than necessary to sit and smell up the house, Dawn and I took the girls to In-N-Out Burger. Being on a Whole 30 makes it difficult to eat out, but it is surprising how good a double burger in a lettuce wrap and only tomatoes can taste when you are hungry.

At this point we were certain we would have water by evening. We were wrong. Justin will be back tomorrow morning at 7:30 again, and everything will hopefully be working by lunch. By then we will all be smelly. Good thing we will not see anyone until then. (Except for my morning walk tomorrow. Sorry Marilyn :( )

So, dinner was not a home cooked meal either. Craig and I went out for Mexican. We had Abodobo because I felt that was a dish that does not have anything in it that I am not supposed to eat right now. Don't tell me if I am wrong about the Abodobo, because I don't want to know! As far as I am concerned I have been eating right all day ;)

The good thing with today is that I was able to spend it with Dawn and the girls. We were able to run errands and do things on my list that had been put off for a while.

So - although life can be difficult without water it is still possible to have a good day. Craig was able to use a jackhammer even though the circumstances may not have been happy, and I got some needed things done that would have been put off another day if today had not been waterless.


"When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even His enemies to be at peace with him" Proverbs 16:7

One of many pieces of good advice I have been reading lately.


Life is full of surprises, good and not as good. Today was not the kind of day I would plan, or wish I had many of, but it was a day filled with new experiences and time with people I love. That is a kind of successful day.

Hugs 💞

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