Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I had some technical difficulties . . . Here it is though!

I 💛 my family! It seems the older you get, the more you appreciate family and friends. I want my aunt and cousins to know that I love and miss you very much 😘

Today was a family day. Most of the family could unfortunately not be here - our youngest son and his wife live on a different continent, youngest daughter's family is sick (I hope you are feeling better!), and oldest daughter was busy. So it was the two of us with our oldest son and his family, but we had a wonderful time 😀

My daughter-in-law and I went grocery shopping, but we ended up at Fenton's Ice Cream Restaurant ( for a couple of sundaes . . . The ice cream was delicious (Fenton's is THE place to go for ice cream!!!!!), but the best part was spending time together. My children have chosen wonderful mates, and I am happy to have them for my children 💖

This is Dawn hiding behind her sundae 😉

The afternoon and evening was spent making "Kroppkakor" (Body Cakes, a gruesome name, I know 😖). This is a very Swedish dish, that even many Swedes have not heard of. It is only made in a very small part of Sweden, the area where my paternal grandmother is from 😃 The smell of this dish brings back wonderful memories from my childhood. Grandma and my aunts made this once every year during the summer. It is very time consuming and it took them most of the day working assembly line style. It takes a LOOOOONG time making it with a food processor, and in those days we didn't have machines like that to help us . . . so no wonder they did not want to make my favorite dish more than once per year . . . Here is a picture of what they look like -

This is not what mine looked like . . . but they were supposed to . . .

Here is the recipe:

12 oz Pork Belly
1 Onion
1 1/2 Tbsp Whole Allspice (Coarsely ground)
4.5 lbs potatoes (Raw)
1 lb potatoes (Cooked)
Not quite 1 Cup Gluten free All-Purpose Flour (If you eat gluten, regular flour works better 😊)
2 tsp Salt

- Cut the pork into small cubes.
- Chop onion.
- Mix pork, onion, and allspice.
- This can be kept in fridge overnight.

- Peel and shred finely the raw potatoes.
- Press out as much liquid as you can through a towel.
- Very coarsely mash the cooked potatoes.
- Mix with the raw potatoes, flour, and salt into a dough.
- Bring water and salt to a boil in a large pot.
- Form dough into balls.
- Make an opening and fill with approximately 1 1/2 Tbsp of the pork mixture.
- Close the ball.
- Let the balls simmer for 45-60 minutes.
* Do not put too many in at one time. You should be able to cook about half of them at the same time.
- Serve with any combination of butter, cream, and/or lingonberries (sort of like cranberries).

Here is the filling 😀

Chris helps to squeeze the liquid from the raw potatoes. It is not pretty 😧Look at the color of the liquid . . .

This is what the potatoes look like after you squeeze out the liquid. That is not the color after it sits for a while though . . .

The dumpling before you close it. It looks pretty nasty at this point 😱 The raw potatoes turn grey pretty quickly after they have been grated.

This is not a pretty dish, but I love it! The texture might be difficult if you are not used to it since the raw potatoes make it a little chewy. Because it is so time consuming I will work on making a casserole that is similar but takes a lot less time. I'm very excited to try this!

We have leftover filling! That will go in scrambled eggs for tomorrow morning's breakfast. I can't wait!!! I love leftovers for breakfast 😛


Because I am recuperating from a cold I did not work out today (or yesterday). Some days it is good to try to rest, but tomorrow I'm going back to my normal workout schedule 😊


Something I read that impacted me today -

"I do believe that too often we seek the sacred in the midst of noise and confusion, when what we need most at the time is to get away, leave behind our troubles, forsake the radio and television, and escape into sweet simplicity and serenity. Jehovah counseled beautifully: 'Be still, and know that I am God' Psalm 46:10." - Robert L. Millet 'Talking With God'

Maybe it is time to get off the computer and find some peace before going to bed.

Family, delicious food, and uplifting reading - Today has been a great day! Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

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